agents\pop3recv.exe -uidl -o temp\%TempFile%.eml -s %Server% -u %Login% -w %Password% &agents\Erobot.exe -c agents\pop3toss.cfg -o temp\%TempFile%.toss -i temp\%PrevTempFile%.eml
What do I write in
if I have,
Mode: EverHour
Thanks, I could not fiind out how to use the Eserv Control; and I could not find a script that I could follow using the docs at

I could not find a script Please give more details. There are many scripts described in that topic.
I was looking for a script such as one would write in a txt file that has the code in it like the example from the DOCS:
{ MailRule
: MyMailRule
S" IntervalExp: 00:15" EVAL ONLINE? AND
S" IntervalExp: 03:00" EVAL ONLINE? 0= AND OR
Export: MyMailRule
I did not find any sample scripts that were similar so that I could follow the DOCS.